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KNIGHTS-errand pb cover_edited_edited_ed

      Mieko Qiaojue, a non-traditional 21st century Buddhist, was born to live a life of predetermination as pledged in an agreement sealed in blood by his forefathers during the early years of the first millennium. While honoring his bloodline's commitment, he would be falsely accused of participating in a plot to assassinate the 14th Dalai Lama while on a State visit to the United States. A boisterouis voice of condemantion against the People's Republic of China for imposing control over Tibet, having him assassinated while in the United States would serve the PRC well.

     The federal prosecution of Mieko Qiaojue in the United States Distrct Court for Maryland would be followed internationally. It would be during the drama of this prosecution hints that this is a political persecution is an insult to Assistant Attorney General Farcia Kwan who has always sought the truth in any trial that would take the freedom of a defendant. Unable to resign from the prosecuting team, she would do all she could to expose the truth. In doing so, she and Mieko Qiaojue would become spiritual participants in events that would join together the worlds of the seen and unseen.      

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About the Author

           First off, I confess that I am not a writer - I am a storyteller. I would have been the guy in animal skins painting cave walls to tell the story of early existence not knowing it would take centuries to understand that a picture does indeed express what a thousand or ten thousand words could. I have never searched out a story to write. That is the function of journalists and non-fiction book authors. Storytellers write the story within the story, utilizing fiction to reach the psyche of everyday people who just wish to live a life free of peril and unwarranted distress. Stories that give hope, that suggest an emotional pathway to places of safety where good character, faith in a higher power and family unity are celebrated. Such stories as these are what I write, the concepts of which are seeded by my reaction to other storytellers whose words or visionary offerings make finding pen and paper to capture what has been placed in my psyche a must. 

            Knights Errant depicts a culture where family honor is non-negotiable, where remaining true to an accepted purpose is not challenged, where the welfare of others is paramount. It is a story that challenges the power of government in the struggle of good over evil, framed in hints of mystical interventions. Unique in concept, it is a story that brings honor to one of the world’s great morale disciplines



                                                           b. l. clark


The Past Event That Returns Farcia Kwan To The World Stage Nearly Three Decades Later

 Part One





February 26th, 1991

18:00 Hours                   

Saudi Arabia – Iraq Border



            They had become captives of the desert, willingly at first when thoughts of mortal combat stoked their visions of heroism, but weeks of waiting for the order to advance left them wondering if the opportunity to use the skills of battle so dutifully drilled into them would ever find a theater of operation. What many a poet found wondrous in the great expanse of sand that one moment was shapeless and barren as far as the eye could see, to in minutes be transformed into mounds and dunes as high as buildings, flawlessly sculpted by the ever-present winds of the desert; the Breath-of-Allah as the Indigenous population regarded it. But at that moment, on the verge of commencing the attack on a battalion-sized Iraqi infantry unit reinforced by T-55 tanks, armored personal carriers, and elements of an Iraqi commando battalion, the First Tank Platoon, Alpha Company attached to the 11th Marines, known as the  The Danger Unit, was ready to go hunting and put a hurt on whoever stood in their way to complete victory.

            For those who waited to enter a war that commenced weeks before, the opportunity to battle test a new space-age targeting and firing system designed to change the face of tank warfare was a crucial part of the battle plan. Technology, linked to human determination and training, would make an already deadly force all the more fearsome to the  enemies of freedom. Its success in the Battle of Al Bussayyah would uncover an act of inhumanity that would haunt one Marine for life, and cause him to take action three decades later requriing the services of the famous attorney, Farcia Kwan.        

          A Farcia Kwan Novel

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